Cascade Views Podcast

Shane Nelson - A Customer Service Approach to Public Safety

Michael Sipe - Central Oregon Leadership Discussions
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00:00 | 34:39

Sheriff Nelson has been in law enforcement since 1993 and is in his second term as Sheriff.  The Deschutes County Commissioners unanimously appointed Nelson as the 9th Sheriff of Deschutes County in July 2015. He was voted in by the citizens of Deschutes County in November 2016. He was born and raised in Bend and graduated from Mountain View High School in 1988.  After graduating from Oregon State University in 1993 he moved back to Bend and began his years of service in the Bend Sheriff’s department. 

Sheriff Nelson is an active member of the community; as Sheriff of Deschutes County, he serves on the Board of the Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association, where he holds the office of President; he’s a board member of the Oregon-Idaho High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area and past Chair, Vice Chair, and Chair of the Finance Subcommittee; serves on the Board of Oregon Accreditation Alliance as Vice Chair and is a past Secretary/Treasurer; he serves on the Board of Directors for Pilot Butte Partners and has served on the Board of Directors for the Redmond School District.

 Shane has pulled away from a demanding schedule to share a few thoughts on some important county-wide issues and on public safety.