Cascade Views Podcast
Cascade Views Podcast
Cathie Coe Sipe - Life After Recovery
Cathie is the founding director of New Each Morning, which is a non-profit organization that works with women graduates of alcohol and drug addiction recovery programs. The New Each Morning team of volunteers provides connection and positive accountability to clients, while championing the women to thrive as healthy productive members of the community.
You can learn more about the organization at www.neweachmorning.org.
Unknown Speaker 0:08
We have 100% success rate and not returning to the addiction lifestyle. We have, we have a couple mamas that have gotten their kids back. One of them couple years ago was the very first time. She has four children. And it was the very first time that she has ever had all four of her children underneath her roof for Christmas.
Narrator 0:35
Welcome to cascade views a discussion with Central Oregon leaders. Your host is Michael SIPE, founder of 10x catalyst groups and Crosspoint capital community leader and best selling author. The purpose of these discussions is to share the views and insights of local leaders from a variety of community sectors on a range of timely and important regional and state issues. With that now, here's your host, Michael SIPE.
Michael Sipe 1:02
Thanks for joining us on cascade views. This is Michael SIPE, and for today's episode, I have the unique privilege to welcome my wife, Kathy co SIPE to the show today. Cathy's the founding director of new each morning, which is a nonprofit organization that works with women graduates of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery programs. The new each morning team of volunteers provides connection and positive accountability to clients. While championing the women to thrive as healthy, productive members of the community. You can learn about the organization at New each morning.org That's new each morning.org I suppose it would be a bit much to brag on my wife in this venue. But I am immensely proud of Kathy for what she's created. So it's my great pleasure to welcome Kathy co SIPE to the show. Hi, Kathy,
Unknown Speaker 1:53
thank you so much. I appreciate the opportunity to be here. And I also appreciate the support you and the TEDx catalyst groups have given to launching new each morning and our success.
Michael Sipe 2:08
You bet Well, I obviously know a little bit about your background. And it's not what one would normally expect for someone doing what you're doing with new each morning. So fill us in just a little on your journey. And what gave you the desire to start a program like this?
Unknown Speaker 2:24
Well, the desire came from a need that was revealed to me, as I volunteered for a couple years at one of the local program, recovery centers here in Bend. And I would watch the women come in, and from just just the most broken places, and they would come in, and they would go through the program, which typically takes I would say an average of about a year, they would go through the program, and they would graduate and then they would go out. And I would watch and there was like, Great job, have a nice life. And there was no support out there. Basically, for the women that were graduating there, and so I realized, wow, we have a great gap in our community. And then that gap needs to be there needs to be filled. And being a hairdresser for 40 years, and always having a heart for women. I had no idea how to do that. And so I worked with a coach. And through much prayer and a lot of growing and stretching and great support around me. We created new each morning and new each morning is post recovery support for women, specifically that are coming out of the treatment programs in our area.
Michael Sipe 3:55
Before we get into the specifics of new each morning, let's just talk big picture. Okay, the the problems of addiction, mental health and homelessness are huge topics right now. So give us an overview of the landscape. What are the issues that people are facing, what that can lead to, and then what the overall support process is that they might choose to tap into.
Unknown Speaker 4:20
Right? Well, as we all know, addiction, and homelessness and mental health are a huge problem. And it what has happened is now it's become a generational problem. And so we're dealing with generations of, of these challenges. So they're they're coming in to the programs from, you know, from prison, they're coming in, off the street. They're coming in from poverty, job loss, addiction, homelessness, abandonment. And you know, from abuse Save scenarios. So they're coming in. And some are seeking help. Some are not. Some go to prison, some go to a shelter, some go to transitional housing. But the goal is to get them into different treatment facilities which were lacking, especially in the mental health care in Central Oregon.
Michael Sipe 5:24
What are the general success rates and outcomes of some of the treatment facilities or transitional places that people can go to?
Unknown Speaker 5:34
Well, once they go into the treatment program, different treatment programs locally, they may go through the program. But the recidivism rate is is probably 60% of just returning. So when they do go through the programs, and they come out, those are the women that we want to work with, because we want to keep them moving forward in still a challenging role, because they're in a new identity, not to return back to, you know, homelessness, or prison even or even death. I mean, there's so many that just die out there. From the from the fentanyl. That's such a problem now, but for many reasons, but we want to just keep them going.
Michael Sipe 6:27
So your clients, it sounds like have really beaten the odds. So maybe you could just give us a general profile of new each morning clients, you know, what kind of circumstances bring them into a recovery program? And what did they learn while they're in a recovery program?
Unknown Speaker 6:45
Okay, well, the the women that go into the programs are they've hit rock bottom, they, they have no more resources, they have no more connections for help. They need, they need a program. So they come to the program. And basically, in a lot of them, they learn grace, grace for themselves, Grace there, it's a place for them to heal. And they learn a lot of things, but they also have to unlearn. So the things that they have the tools and the skills that they have used in survival mode for so long, they have to now release those and learn new skills and new tools to replace those for life giving to go out and to do life rather than lead a destructive life. So they learn communication skills, they learn the triggers for in their past for what makes them turn to the alcohol or to the drug or to unhealthy life choices. So there's a lot of unlearning and replacing with, with the new skills and how to cope in, in situations where they would be triggered. So basically, with the clarity of mind, and hope that they do not have to continue living or go back to living in that survival mode. But that they can make choices. And in those choices, it just keeps moving them forward
Michael Sipe 8:31
to what's it like then when they graduate, so they faithfully work through the program. They're you know, they've learned some of their triggers, they've, they've learned some things, they've unlearn some things. And they build some new skills, and they've gotten clarity of mind and, and clearly motivated because they've gone through this program. So now, while all their graduate, so what's their situation? And what do they face?
Unknown Speaker 8:57
Well, it's almost like starting over again. You know, they started from a place of brokenness and rock bottom when they went into the treatment. But now they're starting over in a whole new identity, this whole sober identity that they have, they cannot go back to their old friends, they cannot go back to old places, they cannot rely on that support system, they need a whole new support system. So basically, they're alone. And many come out, most come out with, hopefully a place to live, but that's not a given. They come out most of them don't have transportation. They're looking for jobs. And they need a new community. They need new connections. And that's what no each morning provides for them.
Michael Sipe 9:52
So how does each morning work? So how do you get a client? How do you get them connected? And how long do you and your boss On tears work with them.
Unknown Speaker 10:02
All of our clients are referred to us from the local program treatment recovery places, we want to work with those treatment centers so that we can, we can all work together for the best outcome for that client. So our, our clients are referred to us. And then originally, we thought that this program, a woman would come in, and it would be like a 90 day program, but you know, our core values are all about relationship. And when you build trust, and relationship that doesn't have an expiration date. So we launched in January of 2020. And I am still working with four of those clients. So it's, it is long term post recovery support, you kind of think of in the medical world where you have long term medical care, it's long term, and those relationships are built and carried on now the relationship changes a little bit, where we're not working weekly, you know, we're checking in with them, and then continuing to be that support, but not on the basis of every week. So it's basically an open ended relationship.
Michael Sipe 11:29
And you have a team of volunteers, right, that, that connects with your clients and, and helps along the way with this relational process, right?
Unknown Speaker 11:38
We do. I was the only one working the program. For the first year, I wanted to know, I wanted to know what it was like, What am I going to be asking our volunteers to do? What? What can I expect? What can I? How can I best help them to know what is coming? And so we then the second year, we took on volunteers, and then we have volunteers also working with the women, and many other positions to volunteer for.
Michael Sipe 12:08
One of the things I've heard you explain regularly is that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. So explain this, if you wouldn't, and how does New each morning address the solution if it's not just sobriety?
Unknown Speaker 12:26
So you are so right, the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is connection. And connection is exactly what we do at noon each morning, we bring connection to the women on a regular basis. So weekly, daily, whatever it requires, for that day. So they know that someone is out there caring about them, they know someone is out there that they can turn to they can send a text to they can call, they can ask for a meeting, to resolve different issues that come up. But they know they're not alone. Because isolation and loneliness and all of that that starts building and creating turmoil in the thought process is alleviated when we meet with them and you know, bring them back on track with the connection. It's it's huge.
Michael Sipe 13:34
To talk about your success rate, and maybe you could even give us a couple of anonymous clients success stories so we can understand the struggles and victories that your clients experience.
Unknown Speaker 13:45
Right, I love doing this. So we have actually at this point, we have 100% success rate and not returning to the addiction lifestyle. We have we have a couple of mamas that have gotten their kids back. One of them couple years ago was the very first time she has four children. And it was the very first time that she has ever had all four of her children underneath her roof for Christmas. For the very first time. Her oldest is 18 and her youngest is now seven. And so that was just a huge victory. To celebrate that with with her. We have another that is just celebrated her one year sobriety. And in that time, she got a job and in I think less than six months of that job. She was actually voted employee of the month at her work. And in the department where she works. It had been seven years since someone had been voted Employee of the Month in that department. We We have a, another client and she, after coming out of the pro out of recovery program, she worked really hard to go through the steps to get her three children back. So now she is in an apartment, and she has her three littles with her. And we are going to be working with her, she actually wants to go back to school. And so we are working on getting that set up for her now. So we work with them in the challenges, and we celebrate the victories. And it's always so important to celebrate the victories, regardless of how big or little they are. But they know they have the connection with people, you know, I can get a text early in the morning or late at night, or in the middle of the day, just celebrating something that happened in their day. So they know they can reach out and have someone celebrate with them. Or they got a challenge. And we get to figure out how to work through it together. So it's, it's just incredible, to be a part of helping someone walk forward in life, in life giving instead of life threatening.
Michael Sipe 16:18
Well, Kathy, I love the success stories. And obviously, I get to hear him regularly. And it's terrific. But you know, it doesn't come without investments. So the state is spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year on mental health, addiction and homelessness. Is any of that money flowing to support to what you call the back end? Is any of that flowing to support your clients? And if not, then how are you funded?
Unknown Speaker 16:42
Well, you're right, there is so much going into being poured into the front end of the homeless addiction and mental health part of this equation. And basically, very little is going into the back end of it. All of that needs to happen with the front end. But the back end needs awareness and it needs support. So in that we are privately funded, we are have been privately funded through generous people in our community and businesses. We need the support, we need the funding to support these women when they come out of the program, this whole process that they have gone through, and now here they are needing that support. So the return on the investment in this back end is incredible. We are helping them with, you know, job preparation. So in that where we're taking them shopping, and we're providing clothing for that appropriate job that they are going after we help them with job preparation in personal best appearance. So that takes funding for the products and the workshops. So we it's an investment in restoring lives, lives in our community, because they're coming out and they're going to work in our community. And they are helping our community in the workplace. As you know, there's job help wanted signs everywhere. So our clients are coming out and they're filling that need. And they are breaking the generational curses of recidivism. And this is where we need your help and your support to fund this post recovery support in our community.
Michael Sipe 18:44
Well, as we move toward wrapping up here, what are a couple of key objectives that you have for new each morning this year.
Unknown Speaker 18:51
We need to raise money, we need to increase our volunteer team. We have had a very small budget, we do have a very small budget in the big picture. And we have been super efficient with the funds that have been donated to us. We help them with preparing for a job interview. So we help them with clothing that is appropriate for the job that they're going after we help them with resumes and, you know, down to getting the birth certificates or driver's license, we help them with personal best appearance. And so we do a workshop that provides for them a training on how to do their makeup for every day employment. And they get to keep those products that they just learned how to use and we help them in a variety of ways but it does take funding. And so we We have a budget this year of $85,000, which when you look at, you know, hundreds of millions going into this whole community of addiction and support is pretty small. We need to build our team of volunteers, we need connection advocates that actually work with the women, then people disqualify themselves before they even give it a second thought. They want to help, but they feel like they're not qualified. Everyone is qualified, everyone has something to bring to the table. So even though we don't have letters behind our name, we have life experience. And we have hope. And we have the ability to bring support, and we have ears, and we have a heart. And basically, that's what we need, we just need people to step up and help be part of the solution. Because that's what knew each morning is we are part of the solution. In this giant problem. We need not only connection advocates, we need social media help with promoting what we're doing and getting, getting our name out there to to bring more people in.
Michael Sipe 21:20
So Kathy, how can our listeners help specifically with supporting the mission of new each morning and perhaps more importantly, with the clients that you serve?
Unknown Speaker 21:29
Well, just like all nonprofits,
Unknown Speaker 21:32
we need financial support. People can become regular monthly donors, they can do one time donations, they can attend, and support through different fundraising events that we have. We don't have a large budget, but we need help in providing the funds to help these women in the different categories that we use. We help them in, we need volunteers. Again, we need connection advocates that work with the women. You know, this is not just about working with the women, it always brings blessing back to the people that are working with the women and the program as well. We need licensed hairdressers, we need people in social media advertising to come on board and help support to bring awareness that new each morning is out there. Well, we have a Facebook page, people can simply go to the Facebook page and like our page and share our page, we have a morning encouragement every morning, and it posts at 707 every morning. And you can share that you can encourage someone you can bring awareness just for the Facebook post. So that's how people could help in the immediate sense.
Michael Sipe 22:53
rific Well, listen, as we close here, are there any last thoughts that maybe you'd like to share? Something we didn't cover?
Unknown Speaker 23:01
Well, as I said, just a minute ago, the work that we're doing is never just about the women. It's about our community. It's about the people that are serving who knew each morning and learning to serve well. We all have something to bring to the table, we all have something to give and to be a part of the solution. And so we just invite you to connect with me connect with the volunteers in the team, the board that we have, and learn more about how you can be a part of the solution in our own community.
Michael Sipe 23:41
Now the It's been great having you on the show. Thanks for the work you and your team does to serve the community. My main takeaway actually out of this, I hadn't heard you speak about this before, but it's about the not just the learning that women undertake when they're in a recovery program. But also the unlearning the unlearning of, of unhealthy behaviors, unhealthy choices. And I just think there's a lot to ponder on that. So I'm really proud of you and I very much appreciate your message today.
Unknown Speaker 24:16
Thank you so much for all of your support. Thank you for the opportunity. And I look forward to seeing how we can all work together to build more on the back end of this lifegiving work that we're doing.
Unknown Speaker 24:31
Thanks so much.
Michael Sipe 24:33
My guest for this show has been Kathy co SIPE founding director of new each morning you can learn more about the organization and its services at New each morning.org That's new each morning.org Thanks for tuning in.
Narrator 24:46
Thanks for listening to cascade views with Michael SIPE. To find out more about Mike 10x catalyst groups and to hear additional cascade views episodes visit 10x groups.com. That's 10x groups.com up, you can secure your own copy of Michael SIPE his best selling book, the Avada principle@amazon.com. And finally, please continue to get informed and actively engaged in serving our Central Oregon Community. Your Voice Matters